Equity in modern learning involves much more than connectivity—although that’s a big piece of this puzzle. Disparities in reliable Internet access along with other inequities (as we constantly felt amid the pandemic) can expose inconsistencies in learning quality. On the other hand, firming up students’ digital safety (while serving their needs) also entails equity considerations.
A professional learning network (a PLN) may traditionally consist of groups of colleagues or like-minded professionals who regularly communicate and collaborate (usually online) to help the members maximize their skill sets. A PLN in the education world involves teachers sharing resources, answering requests, or offering guidance and support while building relationships.
With classroom SEL practices come key opportunities for students to learn some of the most significant social-emotional skills for the future, including self-awareness, goal setting, and social awareness. And, if more educators learn to seamlessly integrate EdTech tools in SEL instruction, they can help to unlock new benefits and expand how SEL impacts kids’ development.
Discovering connections through active experiences is a chief cornerstone of PBL and helps students establish authentic feelings for their causes. As such, knowing the impacts these connections can have among children is key for the educators who are leading them. And, this is especially true as they leverage them across the curriculum to connect different subjects.
Despite this prominent presence in the real world and elements of STEM in so many of today’s most lucrative careers, not every K–12 student pursues it. More importantly, many students lose almost all interest in STEM before they even reach middle school. So, in a lot of cases, educators have to be proactive to reach kids while they’re in the
STEM education is obviously a major piece of 21st century instruction and we know how important these experiences are for students. Many of those hard and soft skills they learn throughout elementary, middle, and into high school often help them better transition into a future career. Plus, for more and more of them, that career might be very closely related
When teaching STEAM and coding skills with the Edison Robot, its unique features make it super popular among today’s teachers. This starts with its compact size, which helps to make the Edison a true 1:1 STEM solution in many cases. Some say it’s shaped like a brick but it’s also very dense and tough, which makes it a strong option
There are so many types of literacies that we’ll now associate with student development—from some basic financial and media literacy skills up to, of course, their digital literacy. Each one of these literacies have become very important in today’s world and, among them, digital literacy remains one of the most crucial fluencies that your students can develop.
Particularly since the pandemic began, educational leaders and classroom teachers have had to rethink a lot of their instructional strategies. And, one of the biggest focus areas has been around SEL and ensuring all students feel comfortable expressing their thoughts among their peers—something that’s done a lot to bring conversations about empathy into the classroom.
It has now been slightly over three years since the pandemic first shook up the education world. Beyond initial struggles with administering emergency instruction and too many parents worrying about kids losing academic and social development, another key factor emerged. We knew there was a big digital divide among our students, but didn't realize how bad it really was.